Merry Christmas everyone!! A very good friend of mine got me "dreaming" again (thanks Nelly!) As the curtain of 2008 comes to a close, I don't want anyone looking back behind my curtain to observe the "scenes" and "acts" that were never played out... be it neglect, lack of time, busyness, etc. Instead I want to "dream" and look forward to this Christmas and the new Year following it with a brand new stage set up. First of all I want to start Christmas traditions with my family. I want to read the Christmas story and pray together on Christmas Eve. This should be fairly easy since Noah loves books and we pray every night before bed, and most times as a family. Next I want to always take a family Christmas picture. Lastly, I would like to buy or make a personal ornament for our child(ren in the future) to put on the mantle every year where they could see their collection grow and remember Christmases passed. I am aware that as the children get older, traditions change or get modified. That is okay too... as long as we keep dreaming....
What are some of your Christmas dreams or traditions?
Hi Vondeleigh! This is Debbie Malone from Sacramento...uuuhhh, from Montana :-) I like this post! Life is lived best with no regrets and living each moment to the fullest! You've re-inspired me! :-)
Traditions? I will need to think of some I would like to add but when I was a child my mom always put an orange in the bottom of our stocking. I think it weighed the stocking down so it would stretch and they could fit more goodies in them! Well, I've continued with my children and now each year before Christmas they say, "you're not going to put that silly orange in our stockings again, are you?" It's kind of funny but for some reason it gives me warm fuzzies!
Love you and miss you but glad for the blogging world!
This is a great post! =D Our tradition has always been to hang out with all of the extended family on Christmas Eve, and exchange present and play board games, play pool, and eat lots of goodies. Usually one of the kids takes a dare and jumps in the swimming pool as well. LOL
Christmas morning we get up in our PJs, make coffee, and open presents. Then we get dressed up, even though it's just my close little family, and my grandparents. We have an extremely formal dinner, then that night we go over to other families' and friends and play more games and eat more junk.
It's such a blast. I love hanging out with everyone, and the formal dinner is so nice too. That's one tradition I'll carry on-- to make everyone dress up, even though we're at home, and have a gorgeous spread on the table for them in the afternoon.
I think this year we're adding reading the Christmas story on Christmas Eve.
(That's too cute about the orange in the sock! I love it!)
We are definitely doing the ornament tradition. It was something my grandmother did with us three girls and I can't wait to start it with our two little ones.
We are definitely doing the ornament tradition. It was something my grandmother did with us three girls and I can't wait to start it with our two little ones.
Hey girl! We do the ornaments as our tradition. I try to buy ornament each year on something my kids are into. This year was horseback riding for EG, computer for Tyler, Video game for MIcah and a Princess for Sophie. I always have the year and name put on the ornament. It is really awesome to look back and see what they were into each year. I usually get my ornaments at Christmas village. Traditions w/ your family are the best!
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