I am thankful. Yesterday I found myself repeatedly thinking about my wonderful country... the land of the free... the home of the brave... the sacred truth it was built upon. It rings so true to me this year. I caught myself wondering if I have taken these blessings for granted in the past. I am certain I have. I want to declare to you that I am thankful. I want to declare this while I can. There may be a point in my lifetime that I will not have those blessings to be thankful for.
My Diary of Thanks:
I am thankful that I can choose to start a business and keep the profits and not be forced to share the wealth. I am thankful that I can freely "choose" to share the wealth if I please. I am thankful that partial birth abortion is still considered murder. I am thankful that we still have "In God We Trust" on our currency.

I am not ashamed to be called an American. As long as I can be thankful for these things, I am proud to be an American. "In everything give thanks." Why? Because it is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Lets not forget to pray for this great country and her leaders. The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord.
Amen!! Amen!! Thanks for reminding me of how very blessed I am to be a part of this great country.
lv ya,
WOW! When I wipe the tears from my face after reading this I too was reminded of the simple yet powerful things I have taken advantage of, my Freedom. Thank you for reminding me.
Michelle O.
AMEN!!!!! Proud to be an American too!!! (even if I don't live there! lol!!!) Love you!!!
I second your emotions. I am very thankful to be a part of this wonderful country.
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