Here are some random pictures of Jeremy's 30th birthday party. 

We invited some people over Sunday night after church...of which there ended up being standing room only.
No kidding!! We loved it. Not only that, Jeremy deserves it. Noah loved it too. He had a blast being the center of attention at his daddy's party. 

Mom Wilbanks made her famous Santa Fe soup, the Koehoorns brought over cheesy nachos. There were Snicker Doodle cookies, birthday cake, pina colada punch with ice cream, Harry and David's Sweet Onion Pepper Relish cream cheese dip, and lots of gummy worms scattered around to go along with the "Older Than Dirt" theme. I decorated with black balloons and had a picture collage on the cake/punch table. 
Bro. and Sis. Bittler brought their kids' Wii game for us to set up in the guest bedroom.
Some of our friends' older kids claimed this room while the smaller children and older girls claimed Noah's room.

The adults "stood" in 3 rooms. lol I say this because we didn't have enough seating in our house even though the entire perimeter of our living room and kitchen were lined with chairs.

Once people started arriving, the flow didn't stop. I got nervous and just started pulling people into the kitchen with me. 
Thank God for Sis.Bridget, Sis.Bittler, Sis.Kimi, Sis.Mary, Sis.Cheryll, Mom Wilbanks, and Sis.Natalie.
These ladies just came in and knew exactly what to do. Also, thank you Bro.Bittler for asking me about pictures. I had gotten so carried away with the busyness of the party and had forgotten to have someone taking pictures. Luckily it wasn't too long into the party that he said something. lol I am grateful. Thank you Aunt Judy for taking pictures for me.

Once everyone had eaten, we lit the candles on the cake and sang while people pulled the party poppers and confetti went everywhere (I'm still finding it behind, around and inside my furniture... lol). 
It was great. After Sis.Mary helped me serve the cake, the crowd started dwindling down... many people had to get up early Monday morning. However, we had some PARTY ANIMALS stick around and drink coffee and play games and chat until 2am. As those of you who know my husband, he's the biggest PARTY ANIMAL -- always telling people to just stay the night since we have a spare bedroom and we'll stay up all night. HAHA You guys know its true!
HAHA so much for getting up early (poor Jeremy had to). It was such a fun party and maybe next year we'll consider our new Fellowship Hall at church.

To my sweet husband of 7 and a half years, I am so blessed to have married you... that you chose to marry me. I thank God for you as often as I think about it. You are a treasure that I prayed for all throughout my single adulthood. Everything I prayed for: that you would love God more than me, that you would be a good example as a Father and a husband in our home, and that you would not waiver in your character, convictions, and in Truth; you are all that and more. God blessed me exceeding abundantly beyond what I asked or thought. You have a love for Truth and what is right. You have strong loyalties to what you believe in. I LOVE that about you... and that you don't hesitate to inspire others to do the same. I love your gentleness with me and our son. I am so thankful that our son has a wonderful example as a Father to look up to as he grows up. Thanks for being who you are. I love you with all my heart... forever. Love, Von de Leigh
Stay the night... hahaha sounds so familiar. Miss you guys. Funny... only one pic of the bIrthday "boy"... and he's got his cheeks puffed out trying hard to blow all them candles out!
Happy 30th Jerms.
A house full of people after church and standing room only. Oh my, you really are Joann's daughter. It sounds like deja'vu to me.
James, there were so many people that I tried to get at least one picture of everyone ONCE. haha... No there's actually one more picture of Jeremy but he's in the background with a group of men. Yeah, you remember the days Jeremy would say, "Hey, ya'll just stay the night." hahaha Those were the good ol' days with you guys. He hasn't changed one bit.
Denise, I am definitely my mother's daughter. lol Only thing is mom is so relaxed at hosting things like this... I'm a nervous wreck!! LOL
What a fun party! You & Bro. Jeremy are an awesome couple! I think he has the best birthday present ever in his lovely wife!!
Happy 30th Birthday Bro. Jeremy!
Lv U guys!
We love you!!
AWwwwww this is so cool, Vondeleigh! Looks like such a blast!!! Happy Birthday to Jeremy!
(p.s. I like your house!!! =)
A cool party! Please invite me next year. :)
A great year to the birthday boy...happiness to all of you.
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