I found this cute article about kids instructing how to bake a turkey for Thanksgiving. You never know what kids are going to say. My days are numbered. Just this evening Noah began experimenting with the refrigerator's water dispenser. I was sitting in the next room and I knew what he was doing because every time I could hear the "click" noise, I would hear this little gasp of air as the frigid cold water would hit him. After a while I decided I should try to prevent any water damage to my floors so I went in and with hands on hips asked, "How did you get so wet?" He looked around the room momentarily and then looked back up at me and said, "A mouse?" I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. As I began thinking about kids and the funny things they say, I came across this article to share with you. What will your kids say when asked how you cook/bake their fave foods?
"To Bake a Turkey just put it in the sink"
Take a group of 4- and 5-year-olds. Add a Thanksgiving theme, and talk about pilgrims and Thanksgiving Day meals.
Then ask what's their favorite thing about Thanksgiving dinner. Some have to think it's been a while since their last Turkey Day meal. But, with a little prompting from friends and teachers, they come up with some of the traditional vegetables, desserts and turkey.
But, the fun part comes when you ask those children how their moms prepare their favorite foods.
Elizabeth Smith, the preschool teacher at Draper Elementary School, asked her 4-year-old students Thursday how to cook a turkey.
"Big turkey, like this," said Parker Setliff, stretching his arms to indicate the size of the bird. "Mama crush it and then cut it. Mama cut it again."
Gabriel Huffman: "It's already melted. You put it in the oven and you bake it and you bake it and you bake it! You cut it with a knife. Then you put in on a plate. Then you blow it cause it was in the oven. Then you eat it!"
Blake Pulliam: "You cook it in the oven. You put it in a pan, then put it in the microwave. I don't know after that."
David Vasquez Soto: "Eat him and squeeze him. You put it in the sink under the water. When you finish under the water, eat him!"
Megan Powell: "You put it in the oven, then bake it. Bake it and then take it out of the oven, then you eat it."
Sarah Pendleton: "My mama ... we don't eat turkey. We do eat turkey but we don't eat the bones! You stir it. You cook it. You put it in the oven. You cut it and bake it."
The 5-year-olds in Sandra Greeson's kindergarten class got into the Thanksgiving dinner mood, too. They created Pilgrim hats and wore them all day.
Lucas Durham said his favorite holiday food is apple pie. His mom uses apples "that you cook in the oven. She puts them in the pie tin and puts them into the oven for a few minutes. When it's time, she opens it up and gets it out, and we have apple pie."
Baked potatoes are a favorite with Samuel Johnson. "All she does is put the butter in and then she cooks them, and she lets me eat it," he said.
Kenyon Allen prefers his potatoes "smashed." His mother peels the potatoes and puts them a pan. "She smashes them with a hammer," Kenyon said with a big grin. "She puts milk in and then we eat it!"
Pumpkin pie had to be on somebody's list, but Hannah Vernon said she doesn't know how her mother cooks it. "I don't stay long enough to watch her fix it. I don't know how she fixes it!"
Alli Willoughby said her mother's homemade biscuits are her favorite for Thanksgiving.
"She puts a little sugar in a bowl and puts a little flour and then she puts water and we roll it in a ball and puts them in the oven and lets them set in the oven for a few minutes," Alli said, her hands busy and her face expressive as she described her mother's cooking. "(Then she) takes it out of the oven, and it's time to eat. They're very, very, very good!"