A few months ago, Nana, Aunt Heather, and I began noticing that Noah paid close attention to the drumming during worship. He stares. He is awestruck. He is glued to Uncle Jason on those drums. One service Aunt Heather decided to let him borrow a drumstick from the music department during a pre-service practice, and that was the end of the beginning. Now he has to have a drumstick for every practice just about. He also will point to the drums and hope that whoever is holding him will take him near Jason. If he's not being held, he will walk to the altar area closest to the drums and bang his fists (or a drumstick) on the altar. I even caught him climbing up the stairs after service one Sunday night to get to the drums... a major no-no (We don't allow him to climb onto the platform). So to indulge him a little bit, Papa and Uncle Jay sometimes let Noah sit on their laps and play the drums while Nana and Aunt Heather sometimes carry him to watch the drums during altar call. Now, even our Music Minister and his wife, Bro. and Sis. Zane Isaacson are indulging his love for the drums. They did so the other night and let him play on the drums and the bongos for 15+ minutes after church. Noah was in drum heaven.
His dream comes true. The other night we went over to some friends' house who have two boys that take drum lessons. They told us they had bought a smaller drum set for their boys but when they went to pick it up there was a larger drum set that the seller did not want. So they took both and the boys only practice on the larger one... of course ( I mean hey, its the size that Bro.Jason plays on at church). When we got there and the boys showed Noah their two drum sets, Noah got so excited. So, for the first hour we were there Noah seemed like a permanent fixture in their music room and later if he wasn't in the music room playing the drums, he was carrying around the drumsticks. We got ready to leave and our friends just offered to give Noah this little drum set since the boys only used the bigger one. What a blessing!

So, thank you Bro.Ken and Sis. Holly Artis and their two boys, I have peace no more in my home. Hahaha! And get this... I love it!!! My son's face lights up every time you mention the word "drums." He glows when you tell him to go play the drums and then compliment him on his playing. Sincerely thank you Bro. and Sis. Artis... I really mean it. God bless your sweet family. There is nothing more sweet and precious than to see that adorable little face light up at the sight of his drums.

Gotta have a drink. This drumming makes a guy thirsty!! =)