From garden tending, housekeeping, much prayer, and mothering to revival, preparing for Father's Day, starting a diet for Janell's wedding, walking (that's my exercising... I have a kid now!) and practicing for Alabama Revival Conference ... I think I've kept myself busy.
Garden update: My garden is doing well. I've only had one plant die... my Rosemary plant (sighs). Actually that's not even in my garden. It's potted on my back deck. I did get to snip a piece off before it died and use it on my baked Parmesan chicken. I guess a few days in really hot weather and no water will kill a small herb plant (you learn something new every day). I have quite a few cucumbers, three cayenne peppers, and several flowers on my tomato and squash plants. I planted my green beans as seeds about two weeks ago and they are doing better than any of the others. Its amazing how fast those things will grow.

I was out this week perusing the local establishments for Father's Day gift items. I didn't find anything that suited me perfectly. Finally, a light on clicked and it all came together. I can't disclose the information on the blog yet due to the fact that the aforementioned "Papas" sometimes read this blog. Thus the Father's Day surprise would be ruined. SOOOooooo, I just have to tell you that its perfect and I'll tell you... even show you next week what the gift is.

So today, I went to the post office to mail off Papa Bertram's gift and the man behind the counter asked me if it was media mail. I asked what he meant. He explained is any sort of media or loose leaf documents or such, and if so, there is a significant reduction on your postage price.

I wished so bad that my gift had been, but it wasn't and I paid the normal rate. What this means musicians, is that you can mail sheet music and a cd, music text books (or non music), or any other form of music media for a reduced price. Check out the usps.com website.