Today is a special day... well, actually we don't know the exact date. It could be the 3rd, 4th, or the 5th of April. But Happy Birthday to a one of a kind Dad anyway. The story from Grandma Bertram (who has passed on) is that Dad was born on the 5th of April but somehow in the hospital they messed the birth certificate up and put his birth date as the 3rd. So instead of worrying about it, we just celebrate both days, including the one in between. He deserves it.
Dad is probably the one who I inherited my love of music from. Although both my parents are musical, Dad went "public" with his singing and violin abilities. As kids he and his brothers and sister were all musical and would sing together. Although we don't hear much violin playing these days, Dad can pick up the violin's relative, the banjo, and make you want to dance. His singing styles range from the Frank Sinatra crooner, Elvis Presley's "humma humma" spunk, and a good rich baritone distinctly all his own. However, he was and is (in my opinion) the greatest song leader this world has ever seen or heard. From his motel to near death stories told over the platform at the Rock Church, he has encouraged and ignited people's love for God in unique ways. He is passing down a great gift to his kids. Now, all three of his kids sing and two play the piano.
Dad, you are the funnest, funniest, most daring and riskiest, money makin', musical Dad... and I think you're the greatest!! Anyone who knows you thinks that you are simply GREAT! Thanks for all the fun through the years. I hope you have a great birthday these three days and I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. Love you love you love you soooooo much. XOXO